Bully: A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.

Bully: A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.

Become a Follower

This blog is designed to help get the word out about bullying. If you or someone you know is being targeted by a bully, become a follower of my blog and share it with friends. I invite everyone to comment and share their story. Together we can stand up against bullying to let those that are hurting by its effects know that they are not alone and they are not to blame.

Special Note:

*All youth names have been changed to protect their privacy.

Contact Me

I would love to hear your stories, answer your questions, and get your feedback. If you wish to contact me, you may do so by emailing me at sistersloveblog@yahoo.com. Thank you for reading, following, and sharing my blog. Find me on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Sisters-Love-An-Inside-Look-at-Bullying/233030516730555?sk=wall

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bullies don't take a vacation...

Yesterday, my husband and I took a trip to visit family with our son and my sister. While we were relaxing on the boat on the beautiful lake water (pictured below with my son and husband trying to swim to an island that an American flag had been hoisted) my sister was unknowingly being bullied at home on her computer.

If only we could've stayed on the boat a little longer... a little longer to avoid the harsh reality she faces at home. It wasn't until I came in to her room (at least that's what she calls our office! Since she stays with us so much we put a futon in the office for her, and other overnight house guests, to stay) and saw her on the computer. She was posting a new status update about how she was tired of being cyberbullied. I made her show me what had happened. A friend of her's had posted a picture of herself and streaks she had gotten put into her hair. She had commented the other day. Friends of this friend then commented in turn... but the comments weren't directed towards the poster of the picture --- but at my sister.... (My sister's original comment was "no offense but I can't really see them. I'm sure they're cute on you!" nothing mean, vindictive, or otherwise cruel... completely sweet and innocent...)

I was SO proud of her standing up for herself! Above is the comments she made to the kid directly. Since he's not a friend of her's on facebook the comments all went back and forth between the mutual friend's picture comments. Below is a copy of the status update she posted saying she's tired of being bullied and the responses she received since the post.

What advice do you have for handling a bully? Post your comments below.

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