People are always trying to predict the end of days. Yesterday we survived one of these predictions. As I look back and reflect on what could've happened, I worry that others don't take the same lessons to heart.
A friend of mine had this posted on her facebook page that she had borrowed from another friend of hers. I don't know who it is that originated this statement, but they were truly one wise individual. "The world is not ending today. It is just being rebooted. Please be sure your security software is up to date. Run a full scan of your life and remove any malicious files which may be damaging your joy."
I try and remind my sister everyday, that the frenemy's out there who are her "malicious files" are not worth her time. Her true friends are those that are bringing joy and not trying to sabotage it. I implore everyone to take a moment and run a virus scan on their life. Stregthen the relationships that keep your life running without the blue screen errors. Reboot your life. There's not enough time to spend it with hate bogging you down.
While people may try and predict when our time is up, the truth is that no one knows when their number is going to be called. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't want to leave this earth without peace. Hate doesn't bring about peaceful feelings. I hope that everyone who has hate in their heart, takes a moment to reflect on why it's there. It's easy and natural for us to pass on hate. That's why there are bullies in the world. It takes a much stronger person to pass on love instead.
Tonight... take time to make peace with something or someone. Pass on love, not hate.
photo found on facebook. Billboard was put up on May 22, 2011 following the incorrect prediction of the Rapture taking place on May 21, 2011.
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