Bully: A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.

Bully: A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.

Become a Follower

This blog is designed to help get the word out about bullying. If you or someone you know is being targeted by a bully, become a follower of my blog and share it with friends. I invite everyone to comment and share their story. Together we can stand up against bullying to let those that are hurting by its effects know that they are not alone and they are not to blame.

Special Note:

*All youth names have been changed to protect their privacy.

Contact Me

I would love to hear your stories, answer your questions, and get your feedback. If you wish to contact me, you may do so by emailing me at sistersloveblog@yahoo.com. Thank you for reading, following, and sharing my blog. Find me on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Sisters-Love-An-Inside-Look-at-Bullying/233030516730555?sk=wall

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Facebook Clean Up Time!

I challenge everyone to this question... Do you know who every single person is on your friend's list? How many times do you get a friend request on facebook from a friend of a friend of a friend? I've known adult friends to make a post about how they are cleaning up their friends list. The true friends scramble to comment and say "Don't delete me!" They reply back with an "lol" and the "of course you'll still be my friend" and everyone continues on their day.

The TRUE challenge is for the parents of kids under the age of 18. Do you know who every single person is on your CHILD'S friend's list?

We all post about the funny day to day things that happen to us. We all post family pictures and pictures of times shared with friends. We all tag or get tagged in a friends photo or status update. What a child doesn't necessarily realize is that every comment they make, picture they take, etc can give away details about themselves that not everyone needs to know. And how many friends of a friend of a friend are requesting that your 13 year old child be their friend on facebook?

I implore everyone to take a few minutes to clean house today. Whether it's your own friend's list that's slowly creeped into 800 close friends from befriending everyone you met in the bar during your last pub crawl (not that you would ever behave in such a fashion of course!) or it's your child's friends list.... take the time to ask yourself if this is someone you want to have access to your life and your child's life 24/7. Is the thought of being "popular" more important then the safety and well being of our youth?

Remember Parents: Doing what's right isn't always going to make you your child's best friend. And that's ok. They'll appreciate you more when they have to watch out for the well being of their own children.

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