Bully: A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.

Bully: A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.

Become a Follower

This blog is designed to help get the word out about bullying. If you or someone you know is being targeted by a bully, become a follower of my blog and share it with friends. I invite everyone to comment and share their story. Together we can stand up against bullying to let those that are hurting by its effects know that they are not alone and they are not to blame.

Special Note:

*All youth names have been changed to protect their privacy.

Contact Me

I would love to hear your stories, answer your questions, and get your feedback. If you wish to contact me, you may do so by emailing me at sistersloveblog@yahoo.com. Thank you for reading, following, and sharing my blog. Find me on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Sisters-Love-An-Inside-Look-at-Bullying/233030516730555?sk=wall

Monday, July 18, 2011

Freedom to be Stupid?

Sometimes I think the First Amendment would've been more properly named "Freedom to be Stupid" instead of "Freedom of Speech." Those that typically hide behind the 1st amendment as a defense, usually don't have much evidence to back their claims. Take this situation for example... I was on ABC Family's facebook page and saw that someone posted an ignorant comment regarding the Cyberbully movie. I got a little heated reading it so I responded. Take a look at the post below: (sorry -- can't get the first half of the image any larger on the screen!)
His post: "Cyber Bully was ridiculous, anyone who's made upset by comments on the internet and too stupid to open a pill bottle is just a cancer to the gene pool"
My reply: " I would imagine you'd be the antagonist in the movie based on your comments. The movie portrayed what kids and their families deal with on a day to day basis. I applaud ABC with how true to life that movie was."
Reply by other ABC Family Fan: "Words do hurt.. and when people keep repeating them, its kinda hard to ignore? and she prob couldnt open the pill bottle bc she was shaking..and nervous..you sir, have no heart."

Now - I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I also understand that everyone is entitled to voice that opinion. What I don't understand is how anyone can show such hatred! By insulting the main character of that movie, they insult everyone I know that has ever lived through extreme bullying. I worry about my sister everyday that she's going to get pushed to that breaking point. It's scary. I've tried going to school officials. I've tried going to the authorities. Nothing has helped. Everyone's hands are tied. I've gone directly to the parents. But most parents are who taught their kids that those not as good as they are "cancers' to the gene pool" so I don't get much progress going that route either. That's why I started to blog. To give the victims a voice and let other's know that they are not alone.

Now I digress... maybe I was being harsh in my opening statements about the 1st Amendment. Everyone should be able to voice an opinion regardless of how ridiculous that opinion is. What I want all my readers to know is that there are voices out there that are going to hurt us. We just have to make sure our voices are louder then their's.

Don't be afraid to use your voice.
See my voice in action at http://a-sisters-love.blogspot.com/

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